Can You Turbocharge Your Sales in 3 Months —
With a Simple System Most Businesses Overlook?
Dear Reader,
I'm going to make 3 extremely bold promises to you...
- I'll show you how small businesses and entrepreneurs are making millions of dollars using an overlooked marketing system that's worked since the Great Depression.
- I'll show you what Facebook, Twitter, flashy billboards, pointless TV commercials, wasted full-page print ads, and probably your current advertising are all missing.
- I'll show you a proven system with the power to grow your business... add new customers and sell more to your existing customers... and increase your profits no matter how bad the economy is or how much your competitors are suffering.
My name is Craig Simpson. And if you've never heard of me, you might think I'm blowing smoke.
So to get us off on the right foot, let me give you a little perspective on my work. Since 1995 I have:
- Improved the revenue and profits for marketers of products and services in just about every business and niche: technical software packages ... online investment companies ... clothing distributors ... medical clinics ... and too many others to list.
- Tracked thousands of marketing campaigns and have seen the results of tens of millions of dollars worth of testing so I know first-hand what works and what doesn't.
- Reached over 150,000,000 prospects with a wide variety of products and services.
- Successfully generated over 1 Million new paying customers and countless repeat customers for business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers across the country.
But none of this means anything to you if I can't fulfill the three promises I made at the beginning of this letter. So keep reading and I'll tell you how I can help your business expand and make more money with a very simple and proven system used by the world's largest and most profitable companies, including: Apple, Wal-Mart, AT&T, Wells Fargo, Pfizer, Google, and many more.
What is the secret system?
You can build a stronger and more profitable businesses by doing just one thing: Putting sales messages into the hands of your prospects by direct mail. But in a way you've probably never tried before.
Whether you're a distributor, industrial contractor, capital investment corporation, publisher of information products, auto repair shop, medical clinic, or you sell heavy equipment ... my powerful Direct Mail Marketing system can work for you.
Many companies have the misconception that Direct Mail does not work or it's too expensive. The fact is, Direct Mail is alive and booming even in today's economic downtrend.
Despite what you hear in the media, the Direct Mail Business Is Booming!
Did you know?
Do you see an opportunity?
This is why small businesses and entrepreneurs make millions each year from direct mail.
Many companies have been lured in by the "hype" of the Internet. They think telling everyone what they ate for breakfast on Twitter will help bring them new customers. Or sharing photos of their gum collection will bring new prospects into their business.
Come on! Really? I'm sure you'll spark some interest and maybe build a list of Internet surfers. But is that what you want? A big list of prospects without credit cards?
Not me - I want buyers! I want people to come into my clients' stores and spend money. I want my clients to create relationships for life with their customers. I want them to provide quality services to a group of buyers who want and like what we are selling.
I can't count the number of small businesses and entrepreneurs who have come to me after being beat-up online. They've spent thousands and had very little to show for it. Many of them had large lists of inquiries, but very few buyers with credit card numbers.
Don't think I'm anti Internet.
The Internet is a great marketing tool!
In fact I love the Internet.
Fact: 15% of all consumers receiving a direct mail from a company, made a purchase on that company's website (June 2011 Deliver magazine). The Internet is great, but it is even more effective when you use direct mail to promote it.
You've tried direct mail and it didn't work?
That's what EVERYONE says!
Most of my clients come to me saying the exact same thing (but not after they use my system). And I know exactly where they're coming from. My first direct mail campaign was a complete failure. I lost money, but I didn't give up. And...
I Sold 4,000 Rocks Through The Mail!
When I was about 19 years old, I built a 20' Rock Climbing Wall in my parents' backyard. I could not afford to buy the fake rocks that you bolt onto the wall. So, I messed around with some polyester resins and came up with a great fake rock. My friends liked it so much that they told me I should sell them. I started advertising in a few climbing magazines and sent out my first direct mail campaign (which boomed). I kept at it, and finally found a system that worked well enough that I ended up selling 4,000 rocks through the mail.
I later went on to work for one of the nation's largest financial publishers. It was there that I learned the fine details of direct mail marketing. I used the techniques I learned there to sell hundreds of thousands of financial publications. I did so well at the mailings that other companies started calling me up and asking if I could do the same thing for them. From then on I dedicated myself to studying and perfecting the art of direct mail marketing.
I've spent over 15 years fine-tuning my direct mail system. My testing has been extremely scientific ... I track every detail in every mailing I send out. I've directed thousands of direct mail campaigns and seen firsthand exactly what works and what does not.
My system is proven, and I am so confident I can guide you to increased sales and bigger profits that I'm willing to make you an offer that I've never made before. But it's not for everyone!
A special marketing program for a select group.
Do you qualify?
If you'd like to bring in more money in 2025 and generate a brand new client base, then my marketing system may be the perfect fit for you - if you qualify.
I'm making you an offer ... the opportunity to learn the secrets to direct mail success with my Million Dollar Direct Mail System.

The system includes 2 Manuals that give step-by-step instruction on putting together a profitable direct mail campaign.
Manual #1 - Laying the Groundwork for Your Million-Dollar Direct Mail Campaign
You'll learn the basics of how large and small companies use Direct Mail to make Millions of Dollars. I'll reveal the system I've used for years to profitably increase the mailing universe. You'll find basic, easy to follow, guidelines for creating the perfect sales piece. And all the details you'll want to know about renting mailing list and how to segment them.
Manual #2 - Carrying Out Your Million-Dollar Direct Mail Campaign
I'll show you simple techniques you must use to effectively track your mail campaign so that you get better with each mailing. There are the details on creating your best mail format, working with the Post Office - the Printshop - the Mailhouse, and all the steps of carrying out your campaign. Plus, you'll learn my best money-saving techniques that can save you thousands of dollars on each mail campaign. - This alone will cover the cost of the course tenfold.
3 CDs
Listen in on my exclusive interviews with three TOP Industry Experts on writing sales copy, the art of connecting with a customer, and tips that will help you become more effective at selling.
Bonus Section
I'll reveal details on sequential mailings and how and when you should use them. You will also learn how you can mail to the same mailing list over and over without saturating it or lowering your response. This strategy alone could double your money on your direct mail campaigns.
What Is It Worth to You to
Expand Your Business by Remote Control?
Using direct mail is the most reliable, effective way I know for you to build your business quickly and keep it growing. This is how million-dollar businesses are made.
The Million Dollar Direct Mail System will show you how to:
- Mail to the right group of prospects who will respond to your offer.
- Create a sales piece that connects with your customers and keeps them coming back.
- Find the best format for reaching your customers.
- Take advantage of special postage discounts - there is no need for you to pay full price on postage.
- Use simple ways to increase getting your mail delivered and opened.
- Increase the value of all your customers (who wouldn't want to have their customers spend more money with them?).
- Easy techniques for getting repeat business from your existing customers.
Direct Mail is the ultimate sales tool. It lets you select exactly who you want to receive your offer and when you want them to receive it. You can target the exact group of prospects that you want to make an offer to and you can be confident that they'll respond.
I will show you the proven system that has worked for me for over 15 years and has made my clients millions. It's up to you to do the work and help make your company an even bigger success.
The cost for the complete Million Dollar Direct Mail System is $497. This is a small price to pay when you consider that mistakes are made every day in direct mail that prevents people from making money. One error on list selection can make or break your campaign. Missing an opportunity for a postage discount can cost you thousands extra. Of course, not mailing at all will cost you future sales and profits.
$497 is a small price to pay when to consider the huge upside potential you have with knowing how to use Direct Mail Properly.
Would you like your business to make more money?
Could you use more clients?
Take advantage of my Million Dollar Direct Mail System - The Ultimate Strategy for generating leads, retaining customers, and growing your business.
If you are not 100% completely satisfied with my system, you can simply return the course for a full refund. I'll give you 90 days to test it out so you can prove the Million Dollar Direct Mail System for yourself.
Heck, if you want more than 90 days, simply give my office a call and say, "I need more time" and I'll give you another 90 days - that's 6 months to test this system out!
Still not certain? Don't take my word for it ... take a look at what a few of my private clients have to say about me:
"Since we started working with Craig the turnaround has been remarkable! Craig presents us with intelligent thoughtful planning as well as detailed analysis of all our campaigns that make future decisions easy. Bottom line: His services have paid for themselves through improved results!"
Andrew Lowdon, Chicago, IL"Our organization started working with Craig just 3 months ago. During that short time frame, our marketing results have increased tenfold! Craig is easy to work with, extremely responsive, has a keen intellect and has been a great mentor to those on my marketing staff. His organizational skills and his reporting of results have made making marketing decisions far easier than in the past. He's not an expense, he's an investment that provides a hugely positive return on dollars spent."
Dennis Tubbergen, Grand Rapids, MI"Craig, took my online investment advisory service to new highs in subscriptions that I did not believe was possible. Craig handled all the list selection, picked the copywriter, and coordinated all aspects of the marketing program. Our returns exceeded over 100% our greatest expectations."
R.E. McMaster, Whitefish, MT"Craig is the best direct mail manager I've ever worked with. He's great at taking ideas for marketing campaigns and turning them into money in the bank."
Jeff Roberts, Grants Pass, ORThese comments are from clients I worked with directly. Obviously there's a limit on the number of businesses I can work with one on one like this. That's why I've decided to put this course together.
I'm not sure if I have time to manage my private clients and sell a course. So I'm only making this offer available for a short trial period. I'm not going to put a specific date or time on this offer. It will end when I'm tired of it. That may be today or it may be weeks from now. Just know this, when I'm done ... I'm done. If I decide it's a pain or takes away too much time from my clients, then I'll stop selling it.
So please do not respond unless you are serious about:
- Wanting to make money with Direct Mail - I know, why would I ask you if you want to make money with direct mail? I'm sure everyone will say yes. But what I really want is serious people ... those who really want to make direct mail work for their business so they are willing to follow my instructions step-by-step. If you are not someone who is going to follow my detailed road map for making money with direct mail, then don't bother buying the course.
- Working Hard - If you think successful small businesses and entrepreneurs made Millions by pressing the "Easy Button" then please go buy a lottery ticket instead (who knows, maybe you'll win). The bottom line is that it takes effort and hard work to make millions. Don't respond unless you are willing to put time and energy into this.
- Desire to succeed - That's right, if you buy my course, I want you to get going and get into the mail. Or if you are already in the mail, I want you to start improving your results. Promise me you will not put my marketing system on the shelf to collect dust. Open it up and start using it! I want proactive people who have a desire to succeed and will do something rather than wait around, hoping something will happen.
You've seen my credentials. You've seen my clients' success stories. You've seen my 90-Day Moneyback Guarantee, making all of this risk-free.
But none of this matters unless you make a decision to grow your business using direct mail. Now it's up to you. Click the order button below to get started.
Best regards,

Craig Simpson
Simpson Direct
PS. If you are one of the first 30 people to sign up, I'll include 3 months of my Mailbag Millionaire Newsletter for free ($89.85 Value)! Each issue has updated details on direct mail . . . examples on what is working and what's not . . . and tips for improving your response rates. The Mailbag Millionaire Newsletter will show you exactly WHAT is relevant in the mail today!
Order my Million Dollar Direct Mail System now and I'll show you everything you need to know.
* IMPORTANT: Some of these testimonials include results from my customers. NONE of these results are typical. Why? Because most people, even when they PURCHASE incredibly powerful information and tools, don't do anything with it. That's right, the typical result is nada because people are too busy, too distracted or even too lazy to turn even the best resources into results. So if you're not going to USE these tools after you buy, save yourself the money and the trouble. But if you do buy and apply yourself, you could be in for very ATYPICAL results.